
Our Student Ministry is…A ministry  that assists parents in the evangelization and discipleship of students.” 

“I love our church because the people are authentic without judgement but love for each other.  The love of Jesus our Christ is demonstrated not only on Sundays but throughout each day as we ALL serve one another.”

-Sue Wilson

“The women’s ministry actually began with our first outreach program to feed elementary age children in our local Tatum community. We had many teachers in our church who knew the value of a food ministry and could witness to its impact not just to one child but the entire family. If you were lucky enough to deliver 10-30 food filled backpacks each week to the school, shop for the food, or create the cards and bible verses inside each backpack, you were blessed to be a part of this spirit and food feeding program. There were smiles for miles on those happy faces as they received enough extra food to sustain a long weekend or holiday break. Today the backpack program is STILL our most precious ministry, and it is so rewarding to be a part of it each year.”

-Tressie Grant