Why do so many men struggle with their calling or duty when God in Heaven is on our side? When a man loses his sense of purpose, he feels like he is not enough, and he will run from the battles in his life. When that happens, he may get caught up in an unhealthy behavior leaving him with a false sense of manhood. When a man lacks purpose, he will die a slow death doing whatever keeps the peace, pays the bills, and keeps his head above water (even if only barely). This may leave a man believing the enemy’s biggest lie – that God isn’t enough. We begin to want what we think we don’t deserve and don’t have, because we don’t understand that Christ in him has already given us everything we will ever need. In our men’s ministry events you will find other men that have struggled and overcome, you will find other men who love Jesus and still struggle. Let’s do life together and make each other a little better in the process.
“Our men’s fish fry is a great way to bring the men from the church to fellowship together and bring friends along to see how much fun we can have outside the church. Cook it and they come! The fish fry is always a great time.”
-Mike Hendrick
When you come you do notice the friendly folks but the more you are around them it is a blessing to be around HIS believers.
– Terry Boykin